
Task Manager

Jumbow's Task Management module is a great tool for project managers to manage their tasks and projects. It provides a simple-to-use task creation and management portal that allows project managers to create tasks in a hierarchical order, where they can create tasks for specific people or teams or an open task that anyone who qualifies for the project can pick and submit for completion. The module also provides useful reports and analytics, allowing project managers to see the progress of their projects and identify any issues or obstacles.

The project managers can manage multiple projects with special permissions in the app, allowing them to view reports analytically to understand what projects have more open and closed tasks, the average time taken for closure, resource-wise tracking on completion, and more. Overall, Jumbow's Task Management app is a powerful resource that will help project managers manage their tasks and projects efficiently and effectively.

Jumbow's task manager comes with a very intuitive user interface. A project manager can manage multiple teams, subgroups, and projects using this task management module. You can assign a task to the people who are a part of your project or your community.

A project can become a micro-community. Inside the micro-community, a set of discussions can be initiated and streamlined to provide more clarity about that particular project. For example, a project manager can assign a task to an individual or a group who can be assigned directly, or a project manager can roll out open tasks. The members inside the micro-community or the project can decide to pick the available open task and work on it. The members to whom the task has been assigned can update the project's status at periodic intervals.

On the other hand, the project manager will be able to measure the total open or closed tasks, measure the efficiency of an individual or measure the voluntary involvement of who is picking the open task and what is the status of that; they can identify the bottlenecks using the green, yellow, red, analytical formats, which indicates the severity of the project.

We have seen multiple organisations using this task manager along with the multilingual module, which enables a wide variety of audiences who are comfortable in their local language and the organisation or the project manager to get the work done. We have seen organisations like corporates, NGOs, associations, political parties, and volunteer management organisations using this module very effectively daily to manage their tasks and projects using a wide variety of audiences in their mobile application.