Digital Coupons

Coupons are a great way to incentivise your stakeholders. Inside a micro-community, a coupon module will help the owners of that particular micro-community incentivise people to create additional engagement. The coupon module can be tied up along with the leaderboard and the scorecard module, where you can create a gamified experience for the stakeholders or consumers inside your application to participate in various events, participate in engagement in the form of a new post or share a post or like somebody's new post, create a micro-community or participate in a poll.

You can provide an incremental scoring system tied up to the coupon module where people with a score of hundred will get to access 10 coupons. Once they reach the next level in your scoring cards on the leaderboard, say 250 points, they will open up new additional coupons. There is a provision to store the coupons they receive, and enabling a notification module inside Jumbow will increase the engagement probability. Consumers can set notification preferences to inform them about the new coupons and schemes of vouchers.

When an administrator rolls it out, you can set policies in Jumbow's administrator app to add new coupons based on location, seniority level, and participation level. You can also enable gamification to open up new coupons as and when the consumer utilises the previous coupons. Digital coupons can either be online or offline coupons. Offline coupons are tied to a store location, whereas an online coupon is tied to a web URL you want them to visit to redeem the coupon. To ensure the coupons are tied to only authorised consumers, Jumbow provides unique steps to validate the authenticity of the coupons.

Using Jumbow's digital coupon module, the company can create coupons and vouchers for various purposes. You can upload and create multiple vouchers and coupons by location, company, and individual. This is a great way to drive more sales and increase profit margins. It allows you to customize your offers based on your customer's needs. We offer various templates to help you design unique promotions based on your brand's personality and target audience.

The Jumbow platform also provides tools for creating and managing communities, including tools for creating content and events and managing members. These tools allow the admin to create a personalized experience for each community member.Jumbow is a great tool for managing communities of individuals or small groups with similar interests. It offers numerous features that help communities manage their memberships and activities and organize events and discussions. Overall, Jumbow is a powerful tool for managing micro-communities!

The usage by count per individual and expiry date feature allows managing multiple user groups with different coupon rules. For example, a company may have users in different departments with different coupon requirements. By allowing the usage by count per individual and expiry date, the company can manage the group of users with different coupon rules, such as allowing only a certain number of users to use coupons each day or at a certain time.